Impaired Swallowing and Altered Family Processes r/t Newborns with Esophageal Atresia

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Newborns with Esophageal Atresia

Nursing Diagnosis : Impaired Swallowing related to mechanical obstruction.

Goal: Patient getting adequate nutrition.

Outcomes: The baby gets enough nutrients and showed satisfactory weight gain.

  • Give fed through gastrostomy in accordance with the provisions.
  • Continue oral feeding as applicable, under the conditions of infants and surgical repair.
  • With strict observation.
  • Monitor input and output weight.
  • Teach families about proper feeding techniques.

  • To meet the nutritional needs of infants
  • To assess the adequacy of nutrient inputs.
  • To make sure the baby is able to swallow without choking.
  • To provide nutrients to allow oral feeding.
  • To prepare for the return.

Nursing Diagnosis : Altered Family Processes related to babies with physical defects.

Goal: patient (family) prepared for child care at home.

Outcomes : Families demonstrate the ability to provide care to infants, understanding the signs of complications, and appropriate action.

Teach the family about the skills and needs of nursing home observations:
  • Give position.
  • Signs of respiratory distress.
  • Signs of complications; refusing to eat, dysphagia, increased cough.
  • The need for tools and materials needed.
  • Gastrostomy care if the infant had surgery, including techniques such as suction, feeding, or ostomy care operasidan side, and a replacement bandage.

  • To prevent aspiration.
  • To prevent delays in action.
  • So that practitioners can be notified.
  • To ensure proper care after discharge.
