Nursing Care Plan for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor derived from epithelial nasopharyngeal mucosa or glands found in the nasopharynx.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is the most carcinomas in the ENT.
It was found more in men than in women, with a ratio of 3: 1 by age / average age of 30 -50 years.
1. Nursing Diagnosis for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to pain in the head.
Goal: Impaired sleep pattern of patients will be resolved.
Outcomes :
- Patients easily sleep within 30-40 minutes.
- Patients calm and fresh faces.
- Patients can express rested.
1 Create a comfortable and quiet environment.
Rationale: A comfortable environment can help improve sleep / rest.
2 Assess the patient's sleep habits at home.
Rationale: Knowing the change of the things that a patient when sleeping habits will affect the patient's sleep patterns.
3 Assess the causes of sleep disorders such as anxiety, effects of drugs and bustling atmosphere.
Rationale: Knowing the causes of other sleep disorders experienced and perceived patient.
4 Instruct the patient to use at bedtime and relaxation techniques.
Rational: Introduction to sleep will allow the patient to fall into sleep, relaxation techniques will reduce tension and pain.
5. Assess for signs of lack of sleep to meet the needs of patients.
Rationale: To determine whether requirements are met or the patient's sleep due to disruption of sleep patterns so that appropriate action can be taken.
2. Nursing Diagnosis for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : Knowledge Deficit: about the disease process, diet, care and treatment related to a lack of information.
Goal: Patient obtaining clear and correct information about the disease.
Outcomes :
- Patients learn about the disease process, diet, care and treatment and able to explain again if asked.
- Patients can perform self-care based on the knowledge gained.
1 Assess the level of knowledge of the patient / family about diabetes disease and Nasopharyngeal Cancer.
Rationale: To provide information on the patient / family, nurses need to know the extent to which the information or knowledge that is known to the patient / family.
2 Assess the patient's educational background.
Rationale: In order for nurses to provide explanations using words and sentences that can be understood according to the level of patient education patient.
3 Explain the disease process, diet, care and treatment in patients with language and words are easy to understand.
Rationale: In order for the information can be received easily and precisely so as to avoid misunderstandings.
4 Describe the procedure performed, the benefits to the patient and involve the patient.
Rationale: With explanatory and there and participate directly in the action taken, the patient will be more cooperative and less anxiety.
5 Use the images to provide an explanation (if there is / enable).
Rational: The pictures can help recall the explanation that has been given.
3. Nursing Diagnosis for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : Anxiety related to lack of knowledge about the disease.
Goal: anxiety is reduced / lost.
Outcomes :
- Patients can identify the cause of anxiety.
- Volatile emotions, calm the patient.
- Adequate rest.
1 Assess the level of anxiety experienced by the patient.
Rationale: To determine the level of anxiety experienced by patients so that nurses could provide rapid and appropriate intervention.
2 Give the opportunity for patients to express a sense of anxiety.
Rational: It can lighten the burden of the patient's mind.
3 Use therapeutic communication.
Rationale: To be built up trust between the nurse-patient so that the patient cooperative in nursing actions.
4 Give accurate information about the disease and encourage patients to participate in the act of nursing.
Rationale: Accurate information about the disease and the patient's participation in taking action to reduce the burden of the patient's mind.
5. Give confidence to patients that nurses, physicians, and other health team always strive to provide the best relief and optimal as possible.
Rationale: A positive attitude of the health care team will help reduce the anxiety felt by the patient.
6 Provide opportunities for families to accompany the patient in turn.
Rationale: The patient will feel calmer when there are family members who wait.
7 Create a quiet and comfortable environment.
Rationale: a quiet and comfortable environment can help reduce patient anxiety.
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