Nursing Care Plan for Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is a condition where the fasting plasma blood sugar levels less than 50 mg /%.
Populations that have a high risk of experiencing hypoglycemia are:
Basic data that needs to be examined are:
1. The main complaint: often unclear, but usually symptomatic, more frequent hypoglycemia and a secondary diagnosis that accompanies other previous complaints such as asphyxia, seizures, sepsis.
2. History:
3. Focus Data
Subjective Data:
Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions
1. Risk for complications
related to lower plasma glucose levels such as mental disorders, behavioral disorders, autonomic nerve function disorders, hypoglycemic coma
related to a decrease in endurance
Hypoglycemia is a condition where the fasting plasma blood sugar levels less than 50 mg /%.
Populations that have a high risk of experiencing hypoglycemia are:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Parenteral nutrition.
- Sepsis.
- Enteral feeding.
- Corticosteroid therapy.
- Infants with mothers with diabetic.
- Infants, with small for gestational age.
- Infants whose mothers drug addiction.
- Burns.
- Cancer of the pancreas.
- Addison's disease.
- Hyperfunctioning adrenal glands.
- Liver disease.
- Early neonatal transitional: large size or normal baby, with damage to the pancreatic production system, resulting in hyper-insulin.
- Classic Transient Neonatal: occurs when infants are malnourished, so the deficiency of fat and glycogen reserves.
- Secondary: as a response to the stress of the newborn resulting in increased metabolism that requires a lot of glycogen reserves.
- Recurrent: caused by the enzymatic breakdown, or impaired insulin metabolism.
Basic data that needs to be examined are:
1. The main complaint: often unclear, but usually symptomatic, more frequent hypoglycemia and a secondary diagnosis that accompanies other previous complaints such as asphyxia, seizures, sepsis.
2. History:
- ANC.
- Perinatal.
- Post natal.
- Immunization.
- Diabetes mellitus in the elderly / family.
- The use of parenteral nutrition.
- Sepsis.
- Enteral feeding.
- Use of Corticosteroid therapy.
- Mothers who use or drug addiction.
- Cancer.
3. Focus Data
Subjective Data:
- Often entered with complaints that are not clear.
- Complaining baby cold sweat that much.
- Hunger (babies often cry).
- Headache.
- Frequent yawning.
- Irritabel.
- Parestisia on the lips and fingers, restlessness, nervousness, tremors, convulsions, stiff,
- Hight-pitched cry, lethargy, apathy, confusion, cyanosis, apnea, irregular rapid breathing, sweating, eye circles, refusing to eat and coma.
- Plasma glucose less than 50 g /%.
Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions
1. Risk for complications
related to lower plasma glucose levels such as mental disorders, behavioral disorders, autonomic nerve function disorders, hypoglycemic coma
- Check serum glucose before and after meals.
- Monitor: glucose, pallor, cold sweat, skin moist.
- Monitor vital signs.
- Monitor consciousness.
- Monitor sign of nerves, irritability.
- Perform oral administration of sweet milk 20 cc X 12.
- Analysis of environmental conditions that could potentially cause hypoglycemia.
- Weight checks every day.
- Check for signs of infection.
- Avoid the occurrence of hypothermia.
- Collaborate provision of oxygenation.
related to a decrease in endurance
- Perform maintenance procedures hands before and after the action.
- Ensure that every object that is used in contact with baby be clean or sterile.
- Prevent contact with others who suffer from respiratory tract infections.
- Note the condition of the baby feces.
- Encourage families to follow aseptic procedures septic.
- Give antibiotics as profolaksis in accordance with the order.
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