Pathophysiology of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is a condition wherein there is an interruption to the normal flow, absorption, and production of the brain's CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid), which is the medium that carries all the nutrients needed by the brain to remain healthy and fully-functional. If there's an interruption or overproduction of CSF - such as in hydrocephalus - it will build up inside the brain that is shown through the swelling of a child's or adult's skull.

Pathophysiology of Hydrocephalus
Pathophysiology of Hydrocephalus

If there is obstruction in the ventricular system or the subarachnoid space, dilated cerebral ventricles, causing ventricular surface wrinkle, and tearing ependymal lines. White mater below it will atrophy and reduced to a thin ribbon. In the gray matter there is maintenance that is selective, so that although ventricular enlargement gray matter has been experiencing a disruption. Dilation process can be a sudden process / acute and can also selectively depending on the position of the blockage. The process was a case of acute emergency. In infants and small children cranial suture folds and widened to accommodate increased cranial mass. If the anterior fontanela not closed then it will not expand and feel tight in touch. Stenosis aquaductal (family illness / adrift offspring sex) causes dilation of the ventricles laterasl point and center, this dilation causes the appearance of distinctive shaped head protruding forehead is dominant (dominant frontal blow). Syndroma dandy walkker would happen if there is obstruction at the foramina outside the IV ventricle. Fourth ventricle dilated and prominent posterior fossae meet most of the space under the tentorium. Clients with type hydrocephalus above will have an enlarged cerebrum which is symmetric and disproportionately small face.

In older people, cranial sutures had closed thus limiting the expansion of the brain, as the result showed the symptoms: increase in ICP before the cerebral ventricles, becomes greatly enlarged. Damage in the absorption and circulation of CSF in hydrocephalus incomplete. CSF exceeds the normal capacity of the ventricular system, every 6-8 hours and the total absence of absorption will cause death.
In ventricular dilation causes tearing of the line normal ependyma, which allows an increase in the wall cavity absorption. If the route collateral sufficient to prevent further ventricular dilatation there will be a state of compensation.
