Nursing Diagnosis of Acute Pain related to Constipation

Nursing Diagnosis of Acute Pain related to Constipation

Acute pain related to the accumulation of hard stool in the abdomen

Goal: show pain has been reduced

Expected Outcomes:
  • Relaxation techniques individually demonstrate effective to achieve comfort
  • Maintaining the level of pain on a small scale
  • Reported physical and psychological health
  • Recognize factors and using measures to prevent pain
  • Using action to reduce the pain with analgesics and non-analgesic appropriately
Nursing Interventions Acute Pain related to Constipation

1. Help the patient to focus more on the activity of the pain by doing penggalihan through television or radio.
Rationale: The client can distract from pain.

2. Note that the elderly have increased sensitivity to the analgesic effects of opiates.
Rational: Be careful in giving anlgesik opiates.

3. Consider the possibility of drug interactions in the elderly.
Rational: Be careful in the provision of drugs in the elderly.

4. Ask the patient to assess pain or lack of comfort on a scale of 0-10
Rationale: Knowing the client's level of perceived pain

5. Use the pain flow sheet
Rationale: Knowing the characteristics of pain

6. Perform a comprehensive pain assessment
Rational: In order for the specific pain mngetahui

7. Instruct patient to meminformasikan on nurses if the pain-reducing achieved less
Rationale: Nurses can perform appropriate action in addressing the client's pain

8. Give pain neighbor information
Rational: In order for the patient does not feel anxious.
